Advanced Style
Rebecca picked up a coffee table book Advanced Style from Portland Art Museum after viewing the Italian Style exhibit. Which led us to the website. Which led us to the fabulous documentary. The blog, book and documentary, all by Ari Seth Cohen, are touching and clever and turns the stereotype of dottering old ladies with sensible shoes and worn out stockings on it's head.
"We must dress every day for the theatre of our lives". The quotes and the imagery all capture so beautifully the rich, spunky, elegant, and uniquely fashionable community of New Yorkers amongst a generation of people who, for the most part, have aged out of the spotlight.
All of which brings to mind a favorite poem Warning (otherwise known as When I Am An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple), penned by Jenny Joseph over 50 years ago. "And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter."
Amen to all of the above.